WCDFW Speaker Spotlight: Erin Flynn

Topic: How to raise your web design rates

Erin has been making websites since 1999, and started her own web design and development company in 2012. After a few years creating websites for clients, Erin shifted her business. Now, her primary business is helping other designers and developers navigate the difficult waters of entrepreneurship by providing courses and guides to teach everything from how to start a web design business to how to deal with nightmare clients. When she’s not teaching designers or working with her own design/development clients, Erin can be found exploring the mountains near her home in Aspen, Colorado. Find out more at erinflynn.com!

How did you get involved in WordPress?

I started using WordPress in 2010 for personal blogging–and quickly started using it for other websites. By 2012 I had a personal blog, comic blog, ecommerce shop, and began taking on client work with WordPress.

What do you do with WordPress?

I currently use WordPress to create websites for my clients (online entrepreneurs) and to run my coaching/consulting business!

What has your experience with the WordPress community been like?

The reason I stuck with WP over other platforms that I tried was that the community was always welcoming. I’ve run into very few bad eggs in the community over the past 7 years, and 99% of those I’ve met who use WP are friendly and willing to help out wherever they can. I’ve not seen that with any other platforms! No matter whether you’re brand new to WP or a seasoned pro, you’re welcomed with open arms and made to feel included.

Why did you want to speak at WordCamp DFW?

Because y’all are so friendly in Texas! 😉 I’m excited to meet a new group of WordPressers, make new friends, learn new skills, and share what I know.

Why did you decide to speak on how web designers and developers can raise their rates?

Every designer and developer under-charges when they’re starting out. That’s okay! We all start somewhere. But it’s easy to get stuck in a rut charging too little, and your business can become unsustainable as you take on more and more work just to make ends meet. I know, I’ve been there! In order to run a successful freelance business, without burning out, you have to raise your rates.

Unfortunately, raising your rates not as easy as just sticking a new price tag on the same services you’ve been offering. There are steps you need to take in order to raise your rates and actually get clients to pay them. It took me a few years to figure it out, and now I want to share the process with others, so that they can get their prices where they need to be to run a successful and sustainable web design business while delivering real value to their clients.

What do you hope the audience gets from your talk?

I want the audience to leave with actionable steps they can take to start raising their rates immediately!

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s WordCamp DFW held on Nov. 11-12. There are also plenty of opportunities to sponsor the event or help run it. We hope to see you there!

WordCamp DFW | November 11-12, 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!